オフ会・Off Kai

Hi guys, I’ll bet you’re wondering what the hell Off Kai is so let me explain. Off Kai is nothing more than the Japanese term for a car meet (Actually, it’s used for any other hobby meeting as well, but for us it means a car meet.). Off (オフ) is actually taken from the English word offline, and Kai (会) is a Japanese word for a meeting or gathering, so essentially it means an offline meet. The term came about to describe people who otherwise mainly interact online getting together offline to meet in real life, so it’s a fairly recent and modern term.

Why am I using it here you ask? Because for a long while one of the things I wanted to do was to find and bring you off kai videos so that you can get a glimpse of what 8B owners (8B is the Japanese equivalent term to our Twins or Toyobaru. It’s pronounced hachi bee and I actually like it better than what we use because it’s easier to say IMO.) are doing to their cars and also maybe get some ideas and inspiration from that like I do. Unfortunately, I’ve been rather busy most of the time for a while now, so I haven’t had many chances to search for vids to share. That all stops today though as I’ve started to comb YouTube again and I’m finding a fair number of vids which I am going to post below. For you guys, I’ve made it easier to find these vids by adding a Meets submenu to the Video menu item in the main menu, so just click that to find all the meet vids in one location. I’ve also done this for racing and miscellaneous vids as well, so hopefully you’ll find it easier to use now.

Anyway, enough chat, time to post vids and play catch-up on what we missed. BTW, although most vids are Japanese-only, I’ve found that you can use YT’s auto translate function for subtitles on many of them, so I would turn subs on when watching. It’s not perfect, but still better than nothing.

2023 Umieru Nagahama 8Bmind Off Kai

2023 Kyuushuu Autumn Meeting Pt. 1

2023 Kyuushuu Autumn Meeting Pt. 2

2023 Trust Unite Meeting

2023 Arashiyama Park Meeting (Kyoto)

2023 Okuibuki Fan Meeting (This is another person’s coverage of this meet here.)

2023 Hakone Turnpike Off Kai

2023 Ken-Chan 13 Car Awajima Island Touring Meet

2022 (Owner’s) First Off Kai in Yamaguchi



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