Going Pro

I done did it. I went and bought a GoPro. It’s a first for me although I’ve had and used plenty of other video cameras over the years. Why a  GoPro now – especially when they’ve been around for quite some time? A few reasons come to mind.

First, I thought it’d be fun to record some drives in the BRZ to put on my YouTube channel which currently only has one measly video  (Video: Remark Elite Spec Catback Exhaust). It’s pretty lonely there, and at the very least it’ll give me some footage I can archive in case I ever get rid of the car. Mainly though,  it’ll help me make content for sharing, which is something I had planned to do from the begging, but haven’t had the time for to really pursue it like I’d like to. I could also make other content with it as well, like meets and shows, DIYs, day trips, and so on.

Second, I enjoy learning new things and the skills gained from doing so can also be marketable in other areas. VIdeo is a natural augment to my photo skills, but one that I’ve never really probed in depth. Making vids for my channel will help me to develop those skills to a much higher level, which means eventually I can use them to generate income possibly by having additional services available for any paid work I might take on. Towards that end, I’ve also picked up a copy of Davinci Resolve and am working through learning that as well, which has all kinds of benefits being that it’s an industry-standard.

Lastly, it’s just fun. There’s not really a better reason then that when it all comes down to it. Making money and such is nice, but it can become a hassle as well over time, so there really needs to be a strong enjoyment factor that goes along with whatever you do or things can become a real drag. At the end of the day, I just want to have fun, and that’s all the reason I need.

With that, let me introduce my first video. Don’t get your hopes up too high though, it’s mainly just a test run of the camera along with some basic editing and grading practice with Resolve. I took a short run along a few of the bigger back roads that are in my area, which are not particularly interesting from a driving enthusiast POV, but if you’re not from this area the scenery might still be something you’ll enjoy. I plan to eventually hit up some of the more interesting roads around here at some point, but for a quick test this’ll do. In any case, I hope you enjoy it and will look forward to whatever I cook up next to post. It’s a brave new world here at the ole’ ShiroBRZ.com.

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