Going Pro

I done did it. I went and bought a GoPro. It’s a first for me although I’ve had and used plenty of other video cameras over the years. Why a  GoPro now – especially when they’ve been around for quite some time? A few reasons come to mind. First, I thought it’d be fun to READ MORE

I’ve Been Spoiled

NGL, this one had me shitting bricks for a short while. Not that anything went wrong – in fact it went perfectly, but I had to drill into my car, man, and that’s kinda scary. No going back, so if it didn’t line up the first time, I’d be fucked big time – or at READ MORE

オフ会・Off Kai

Hi guys, I’ll bet you’re wondering what the hell Off Kai is so let me explain. Off Kai is nothing more than the Japanese term for a car meet (Actually, it’s used for any other hobby meeting as well, but for us it means a car meet.). Off (オフ) is actually taken from the English word READ MORE

Pure Lexu-ry

Silver linings. No matter how bad things can seem to become, there’s usually a silver lining hiding somewhere waiting to be found. In my case, the recent hail damage to my car really had me down for a bit and I felt my motivation to work on it and simply enjoy it in general really READ MORE

When It Rains, It Pours (Updated)

[UPDATE: added damage photos from the appraisal appointment.] [UPDATE 2: added photos of repaired vehicle.] Fucking hail. That’s all I have to say. Well, not quite. As you can see from the pic and the ones that will follow, my BRZ got nailed by hail this past weekend. We had a hella storm roll through READ MORE

My Nuts Are Invincible (Updated)

[UPDATE: added install pics.] I know this because it’s written on them for everyone to see and they are red. Let me explain. Wheel nuts. Lug nuts. What were you thinking, huh? It’s OK, I’m just busting some balls here, but it is true that my nuts are invincible. And why do I say that? READ MORE

2024 TGRNA GR Cup Series, Rd. 1 & 2 Sonoma

The first round of races from the 2024 season are here, so I hope you enjoy them. As a side note, in order to make finding these and other videos on my site quicker and easier, I’ve now added a Video link in the main navigation menu that you can click to pull up all READ MORE